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  • You need these time management hacks 👀

You need these time management hacks 👀

Plus: AI Changes EVERYTHING, Gen-Zpreneurs, and more...

What’s up side hustlers, Jamasen here, CEO of LoopGenius and author of Beyond9to5. If you’re new here every week we’ll cover one major tactic to grow your business, the latest news in AI, and awesome tools and resources.

In today’s edition

  • ☝️ Tactic: Time management hacks

  • 🤖 Tools: Scheduling, Marketing, and Surveys Get You Paid

  • 🗞️ News: AI Changes Work, Gen-Z Entrepreneurs, and more…

🔥 Tools for Side Hustlers 🛠️ 
🔍️ What we found for you this week 🔍️ 

5 time management hacks to balance a side hustle with your full-time job

Let’s face it– side hustles are mainstream these days. Everyone wants one. Everyone wants to make money from one. Most want to leave their 9-to-5 with one 🤫.

But building a successful side hustle isn’t a walk in the park. Balancing a full-time job with a side business is like doing a HIT workout. Every day. Most end up trading HIT for yoga within a year.

So what is the secret to staying on track? Time management. And lucky for you, we’ve got the best time saving hacks you won’t find anywhere else.

So grab your watch and set a timer for 10 minutes– that’s how long you’ve got to read this newsletter before getting back to the hustle. It’s time to show burnout who’s boss.

1. The power hour technique: rule your side hustle in 60 minutes

Stop waiting for that magical “free time” unicorn to gallop your way.

Embrace the power hour technique instead. Set aside a dedicated hour each day solely for your side project. During this super hour, eliminate distractions, silence those notifications, and dive headfirst into your passion project. Watch in awe as you accomplish more in that focused hour than you would in a whole day of half-hearted attempts.

2. Automate and delegate: assemble your side hustle squad

You might be a one-person show, but even superheroes need a trusty sidekick or two.

Enter automation! Use tools that can automate repetitive tasks like social media scheduling or email responses. See our top-tier tools section for ideas 😎. You can also hire freelancers and virtual assistants to do day-to-day tasks, leaving you more time to grow the business. Try hiring on freelance marketplaces like Contra or Upwork.

3. Personal deadlines: don’t let yourself down!

When you only have to answer to yourself, it’s pretty easy to slack off. Unlike your 9-to-5, you don’t have a manager to keep you in check. Instead, try writing down deadlines for yourself. You could even set consequences if you don’t meet your deadlines, like no Friday happy hour that week. If you want your half-priced margaritas, you better work!

4. Harness the power of AI: your side hustle needs a tech boost

It’s just the beginning for AI tools, so hop on them early. AI can help you create content, plan your day, respond to customers and more. Check out some of our favorite AI tools here:

5. Ruthlessly prioritize: save time, slay goals

When time is tight, you need to become a prioritization pro. Introducing…the Eisenhower Matrix! Categorize your to-do list based on urgency and importance. Focus on high-priority tasks that align with your long-term goals, leaving the trivial matters for another day. Chunk similar tasks together to minimize distraction-hopping and maximize productivity. Steal this prioritization template to get started!

There you have it– time management hacks to build your side hustle alongside a 9-to-5. Remember that it’s okay to feel stressed sometimes. After all, you’re basically working two jobs. But hopefully these tips can help you say goodbye to stress, and hello to side hustle success.

You’ve got this!

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What’s News

🗞️ How AI will change the future of work: AI experts and investors predict a role reversal where humans assist machines. AI's impact will be transformative, akin to the Industrial Revolution, making job functions more efficient and changing decision-making in organizations. Businesses with defensibility and distribution will succeed, and the infrastructure and research layer of generative AI will drive sustainable models.

🤷‍♀️ Why you should care: This article highlights how AI is poised to transform the future of work, impacting job roles, decision-making, and productivity, making it essential for you to understand its potential implications. Read More

🗞️ The rise of young entrepreneurs: Millennials and Gen-Z entrepreneurs are reshaping industries through technology, social responsibility, and innovation. They enter the entrepreneurial arena early, embrace digital tools, and prioritize purpose-driven work. Support for their unique qualities and challenges is crucial for a future where entrepreneurship drives positive change.

🤷‍♀️ Why you should care: Gain valuable insights into how the entrepreneurial spirit of Millennials and Gen-Z is reshaping industries through technology, innovation, and social impact, offering a glimpse into the evolving business landscape and the potential for positive change. Read More

🗞️ Strategies for turning your business idea into a reality: Learn how to turn your brilliant entrepreneurial ideas into actionable plans and overcome common hurdles in implementing them. By following these strategies, you can move beyond the idea stage, transform your vision into reality, and embark on a successful entrepreneurial journey.

🤷‍♀️ Why you should care: Discover actionable strategies in this article that can empower you to transform your entrepreneurial ideas into tangible reality, navigate common obstacles, and successfully achieve your goals. Read More

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That's it for this week's edition of Beyond9to5. Stay tuned for more tips, news, and spotlights in our next issue. Until then, keep hustling!

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