💰 What Does AI Know About You?

Good morning, side hustlers, and happy Friday!

Here’s the TLDR: AI can infer a lot about you from your prompts/responses, Marc Andreessen published a piece called the Techno-Optimist Manifesto, and we’ve realized it’ll be impossible to tell when AI becomes conscious (uh-oh).

In today’s edition, we have:

  • 🛠️ 5 tools to get your side hustle off the ground

  • ⭐ 1 featured tool

  • 🚀 3 top tips to get your entrepreneurship juices flowing

  • 🗞 AI news this week

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Let’s get into it! 🔥

🛠️ Tools for Side Hustlers 🛠️ 
🔍️ What we found for you this week 🔍️ 

  • 📺 YTClass - Learn anything with help of AI

  • 🧠 Intellize - AI-first observability platform

  • 💁‍♂️ Xembly - Meet Xena, your AI-powered executive assistant

  • 📁 Dokkio - Find, organize, and understand all your online files

  • 🔁 LoopGenius - Automate your marketing process to land the first 100 customers for your personal brand, side hustle, or business

📺 Featured tool: YTClass 📺

Sometimes, you don’t need a tool to automate workflows or boost your productivity. More often than not, we spend a large chunk of our days spending time learning about a new topic, idea, or skill - but that doesn’t mean you can’t use AI tools to expedite the process.

With YTClass, you can leverage AI to maximize your efficiency when learning about a topic through online videos. This tool simulates an in-class environment by offering a ChatGPT-style tutor next to the video in case you want to dive deeper on an idea presented in the video or simply want something clarified.

💡Top Tips💡

💰 Keeping your days productive can be a challenging ask.
Not everyone can stay motivated for every minute of every day. Sometimes we need a routine or strategy to help us tackle our toughest days. Here are 10 of the most effective methods for staying productive with your time. Read more here. 

💭 How one entrepreneur hit $20k MRR in 6 months without marketing
Non-technical solo founder, Dustin Stout, built an all-in-one AI content creation suite in 2 months using no code. Then he grew it from $0 to $20k MRR in 6 months without marketing. Read more here.

🤝 Work smarter, not harder.
Long hours, little sleep, and loads of caffeine — these are the key ingredients to success in many people’s eyes, but it doesn’t always equate to success. What does lead to success is maximum productivity and a healthy balance in life. Read more here.

🗞 AI News Roundup 🗞

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Happy hustling,
The LoopGenius Team

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