Pricing Week 4

Unwrapping Success

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Unwrapping Success: The Art of Irresistible Packaging

What is packaging?

Your customers don’t know what they want, but I do.

They want things that are useful to them.

So, as a marketer, you have to get really good at telling them why your product is useful.

The way to do this is with packaging.

Picture this:

You walk into a grocery store and you see 6 different spices on the shelf. Why would you want 6 different spices? Yes, you plan on cooking dinner tonight, but this is a rare occasion. You’re not even that great at cooking - what could you possibly do with 6 jars of spices? It’ll all probably never get used.

So how did McCormick get everyday non-culinary consumers to buy their spices regularly? They packaged their spices in a way that was useful to the customer.

More specifically, they told them why they should want it and how they could use it.

Check this out:

Caption: McCormick’s “Recipe Inspirations” contain pre-measured spices that can be used to make a specific dish

McCormick packages their products with a specific use-case in mind that is tailored to their target customer: 6 different spices that have been measured-out for the purpose of making a specific dish.

When you walk by this packaging in a store, you don’t wonder to yourself, “what could I make with those 6 spices?”

The answer is already there: chicken tikka masala! (yum)

Package for usefulness

When you package your products effectively, you are making it so that your customers know that this product is right for them because they can get some utility out of it.

In the McCormick example, customers instantly benefit from not having to spend money on 6 different jars of spices (which they might only use one time), plus they get the added bonus of a recipe on the back.

We can find examples of packaging to show a product’s usefulness in all kinds of industries.

Take a spa, for example. 

The spa offers massages, facials, anti-aging, sun protection, preventative skin treatments, and more to help you look your best. 

They typically charge per service but if you rethink what your client wants, you can put services together that makes it easier for them to purchase based on their desires. 

“I’m tired and want to look fresh” 

“I look old and want to look young” 

“I have a major interview tomorrow and I have a blemish on my forehead - I need it gone now!” 

The name of the game with packaging is anticipating how your customer is going to use your product, and delivering it in a way that will facilitate that adoption.

This concept doesn’t apply exclusively to consumer products.

Think about how software companies cater their offerings.

A SaaS company might create an “account manager” or “Security Certifications” or “99.999% uptime” offering for their large-scale clients. As a result, they create an “Enterprise” package which prices your product much higher to suit the needs of the enterprise.

The enterprises require these services, but you know who doesn’t? Startups!

Security certifications and uptime are much less pertinent to the operations of a startup, so the software company might make a separate offering tailored specifically to its startup clients.

When you package your products, you solve a problem and pull together your features in a way that makes it easier for the customer to understand what to purchase.

So rethink the way you have been packaging your products. If you do it right, the customer will see the usefulness in what you’re selling.

With week 4 complete, we’ve officially concluded our month on pricing! We want to know what you find most helpful from the Beyond 9to5 team, so for input on next month’s theme, let us know here!

Week 1: Price Outside the Box
Week 2: Tiered Pricing
Week 3: Free Trials
Week 4: Packaging (This week)

Want to discuss this week’s theme with other readers? Join LoopNation, our free community!

Our big question being discussed this week is:

  1. What are some creative forms of packaging that you have seen other vendors use?

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