Week 2: Social Media Strategy

Content Curation

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Welcome back!

We hope everyone had an awesome weekend! This week, we’re tackling the content curation aspect of social media strategy.

We incorporate content curation into our newsletter by delivering relevant news and tools weekly, so this topic naturally deserves a spotlight. The art of selecting and sharing content you didn’t create yourself— while adding unique insights— can help you cut down on costs while delivering equal or greater rewards.

Buyers today are flooded with information, so sifting through the noise and spotlighting content gems to capture your customers’ attention can help you stand out.

Let’s dive in! 📲


What Everyone’s Talking About

Tools + Productivity

Here’s What You’ll Love

Feedly - Track the topics and trends that matter to you

🔁Buzzsumo- Find content that connects well with your audience

📒Curata- Discover, curate, & share relevant content from the web

💻Hootsuite - Social media management & automation platform

🗺️UpContent - One-stop shop for content curation


Eyes on the prize

Knowing what you want to achieve through your social media strategy can make curating the most impactful content much less overwhelming.

Is your goal to increase engagement by entertaining your audience?

Try incorporating memes, videos, or interactive quizzes in your content curation, or adding commentary on trending (but not highly controversial) topics to spark conversations with your followers.

Take a look at how this beard supplement provider curates relatable memes for its target audience:

Perhaps your priority is creating brand loyalty by highlighting your values. Then your strategy might involve showcasing user-generated content, like stories or testimonials, that reinforce your brand’s mission.

Or maybe you want to establish your brand as a thought leader. In that case, focus on curating industry insights, expert opinions, and informative articles.

As a marketer, you’ve probably heard something along the lines of “understanding customers is key” a million times. And we’ll say it a million and one. You can’t curate effective content if you don’t know what topics interest your audience and what problems they need you to solve.

If you’re a company catering to luxury travelers, you wouldn’t share an article highlighting the top budget-friendly vacation destinations. That’s why knowing your target customer can massively help with narrowing down contfent.


Once your goals and customers are front of mind, it’s time to start sourcing material.

We touched on leveraging user-generated content in last month’s theme of customer relationship management, but this strategy deserves a double-take because it’s just as relevant for content curation. The benefits are two-fold: for one, you get content to share for free; plus, your customer feels recognized, valued, and connected to your brand.

See how Target leverages popular UGC for their IG:

If you don’t believe us, let the numbers speak for themselves: in a survey polling over 1k American consumers ranging from 18 to 60+, 86% stated they are more likely to trust a brand that publishes user-generated content.

On the other hand, only 12% feel inclined to purchase a product directly promoted by an influencer. Customers are becoming fed up with influencer marketing and are seeking out authentic sentiments instead.

Recognizing this, companies like Calvin Klein even have landing pages just for UGC.

X’s reposting feature is super helpful for using authentic mentions of your brand throughout your socials. See how Glossier does just that here:

The next-best option is to share content from trustworthy sources that are relevant to your industry. Tweets and content from thought leaders, industry experts, or respected figures in your field tend to be effective because you can piggyback off the traction they already have.

Surprising insights or findings from market or customer research groups, business analytics firms, and academic journals that are relevant to your product or service can highlight the relevance of your brand while building its reputation.

If you’re a skincare brand, studies revealing a link between ingredients found in your product and desired outcomes like skin hydration can make your product more appealing.

Or say you’re a cybersecurity company, and a reputable research group released a report with the latest trends and threats in the digital landscape. Sharing these insights and highlighting how your product addresses these threats proves you’re keeping your finger on the pulse of the industry.

Also— don’t forget to credit your sources!

What’s hot?

When you’re sourcing materials, it’s easy to get bogged down by the endless information and opinions out there. That’s where the curation in content curation comes in.

Picking a topic comes down to balancing three factors.

1) How much competition is there around this topic?

2) Is my audience interested?

3) Is there sufficient content out there for me to curate?

You can easily filter out a lot of noise by running through a few high-level criteria for addressing the potential content’s value:

1) Is the content from a publication or person I trust?

2) Does this content validate my brand’s value or provide an opportunity to connect its’ value?

3) Does this content offer unique insights to my audience that they might not already know?

Add value

Although curating content is easier than making your own, that doesn’t mean you can just repost content by industry influencers and call it a day. You have to add value or highlight the relevance of the externally sourced content to your brand.

This can be as simple as a sentence or two where you introduce the content, explain why your readers will find it interesting, and convince them to click. Try including a stand-out quote or statistic that caught your eye.

Or better yet, add funny commentary to relevant news like Wendy’s does here:

Sharing is caring

Consistency is key in the social media world, but not at the expense of quality. Choose the most valuable pieces of content and space them out rather than spamming your followers with every article and video related to your industry.

Mix in curated picks with your original content at a set cadence, depending on which platform you’re on.

Some platforms reward frequency more than others— it’s best to limit IG posts to once per day, whereas posting a few times a day on IG stories or X (where things move fast and tweets have a short lifespan) yields better results.

Do you measure up?

Measuring the performance of curated content is critical to refining your curation strategy.

We’ll dive more into optimizing key performance indicators (KPIs) later this month, but the big takeaway is to pay attention to how each curated post moves you toward or away from your goals and pivot accordingly.

You might look at the number of new followers, number of comments and shares, and clicks to your website to guide you.

Looking Ahead
Letting external entities do some of the heavy lifting can make staying relevant on social media much less time-consuming. Knowing how to curate content ensures you always have something interesting to share, and shows your audience that you’re up-to-date with the latest industry trends and news.

Plus, boosting others’ content can help you build relationships with influencers and companies in your space. Still, this is only one piece of the social media puzzle, so stay tuned to learn more about maximizing engagement and using analytics to guide your strategy.

Here’s a sneak peek of this month’s topics:

Social Media Strategy
Week 1: Picking your Platform(s)
Week 2: Content Curation (this week!)
Week 3: Community Engagement
Week 4: Analytics & Optimization
Week 5: Paid Advertising

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