Week 1: Social Media Strategy

Pick Your Perfect Platform

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Welcome back!

We hope you all had an awesome weekend soaking up the sun, because we’re jumping into June with a fresh theme: Social media strategy! With the summer vibes in full swing, everyone’s posting up a storm on IG, so why not get your brand in on the action?

Today, we’ll start by exploring how to select the perfect platform(s) for your brand.

Curious about maximizing the impact of your brand’s presence on giants like FB, IG, and X? Stick around for strategies to identify where your fans are at. And if you’re ready to explore beyond the mainstream, stay tuned to learn how to harness unconventional platforms to grow and strengthen your customer base.

Let’s dive in! 📲


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Know Thy Audience

It’s no secret in the business world that if you’re not on social media, you’re missing out big time.

With new social platforms constantly cropping up, successfully keeping up with all of them can feel like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. That’s why it’s best to hone in on a select few platforms where your efforts will yield the biggest returns.

So, how do you navigate this digital maze and pick the right platforms to focus on?

If you’re a punk rock band, you wouldn’t waste your time trying to secure gigs at a tea party convention. Similarly, targeting the right crowd is key when it comes to social media strategy.

Sure, people are hopping between an average of 6.6 different social networks each month, so chances are your customers are on whichever ones you choose. But it’s not just about finding where your customers are present— but where they are most active and engaged.

You should know the answers to these questions when picking the right platform(s):

How old is your typical customer? What’s their income and education level? Are they mostly male or female? What are they into outside of your product and service?

Product-Platform Fit

What you’re selling can also determine which mediums make the most sense, which is important because different socials are known for varying content forms. This goes hand-in-hand with knowing what your audience prefers to interact with.

If you’re GoPro, short-form videos (read: TikTok) are a no-brainer for your product. After all, your audience craves adventure and adrenaline, and bite-sized clips are great for capturing bursts of excitement (check out this video).

If you’re Airbnb, visual imagery is your golden ticket. Your audience isn’t just looking for a place to stay— they’re seeking experiences in picturesque destinations. That’s why Instagram’s visual-centric format makes it perfect for vacation snapshots that tie into AirBnB’s service.

If your selling point is expertise, articles on Linkedin or longer videos on YouTube might be the way to go. Take MasterClass, for example. Sharing a few minutes of valuable content from the experts they host leaves viewers wanting more. Sharing a sample recipe or bits of cooking advice on their channel entices aspiring chefs to unlock their full courses.


Equally important to knowing your audience and product is knowing what you want out of social media. This not only helps with narrowing down key platforms but can also guide your strategy for using each channel.

Do you aim to drive traffic to your website? Platforms like Twitter/X and Linkedin are known for their link-sharing and referral power.

Maybe your goal is curating an image and showcasing your brand’s style, in which case, Instagram and Pinterest are the way to go.

To reach new audiences, YouTube and TikTok can help expose your product to potential customers.

If you aim to foster meaningful interactions with your audience and show off your knack for customer service, FB, Insta, and X can help. Previously, Netflix used the Twitter handle @Netflixhelps to address issues, publicizing its strong customer service.

To directly boost revenue, Facebook and Instagram’s shopping features (product tagging) can drive direct sales.

The Breakdown

TikTok: Huge among Gen Z, requires highly engaging, bite-sized content. Great for joining in on viral challenges and creatively using trending sounds.
Use case: Duolingo tapped into trending sounds and humor to create a sitcom-like experience. A key to their TikTok success was embracing memes poking fun at their owl mascot (see: Evil Duolingo owl).

YouTube: Second largest search engine in the world = extensive reach and diverse audience. Requires high-quality video production.
Use case: Companies (like beehiiv) can create tutorial videos and product demonstrations— or collaborate with influencers and popular channels so you don’t have to worry about production.

Facebook: Variety of content options + marketplace. Suitable for most age groups but favored by older demographics relative to Instagram. Keep in mind that organic reach is declining as paid promotion is dominating. Use case: A local restaurant can use FB to post daily specials and behind-the-scenes content while interacting with customers. They can also use geo-targeted ads by promoting special offers within a location range.

Instagram: Highly visual (pictures, videos, stories, reels), less text-heavy. Favored by younger demographics.
Use case: Fitness brands share products with direct purchase links through carousel posts. They can leverage Instagram's IGTV feature to offer longer-form workout videos and repost user-generated content using stories.

Pinterest: Even more visual than Instagram, with a heavy focus on aesthetics. Audience is almost 70% female.
Use case: Fashion retailers can post outfit inspiration (OOTD) and drive traffic with product links.

Twitter: Fast-paced, great for quick updates, news, and trending conversations. Large middle-aged demographic and 2:1 ratio between males and females.
Use case: Tech companies can share real-time updates about product launches and industry news while engaging with followers using niche-related hashtags.

LinkedIn: Professional audience makes it a great fit for B2B marketing, lead generation, and thought leadership. Less effective for younger demographics.
Use case: A marketing agency can share case studies, articles, and industry insights to attract business clients. Businesses can also participate in relevant LinkedIn groups and connect with potential leads.

Unconventional platforms

Don’t be quick to dismiss tapping into less conventional platforms in your marketing strategy, which can be trickier to pull off but provide unique value.

Take Reddit, for example. Although overt-self promotion is frowned upon since the platform thrives on authenticity and community engagement, businesses can still join.

You can promote AMA (ask me anything) sessions on relevant subreddits to organically engage with fans, especially in conjuction with a new launch.

If you approach marketing on Reddit like the rest of your social presence, you’ll probably do more harm to your brand reputation than good. You have to prioritize support over selling a product. Try engaging with customers using a more human voice when addressing questions and concerns.

Looking Ahead
Now that you know how to pinpoint the platforms that’ll yield the highest results for your brand (match your audience and product to the platform that fits), get ready to learn more about crafting effective content, making sense of social media analytics, and leveraging paid advertising.

Here’s an overview of this month’s topics:

Social Media Strategy
Week 1: Picking your Platform(s) (this week!)
Week 2: Content Curation
Week 3: Community Engagement
Week 4: Analytics & Optimization
Week 5: Paid Advertising

Stay tuned!

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