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  • Why You'll Pay $3499 For The Apple Vision Pro

Why You'll Pay $3499 For The Apple Vision Pro

Plus: Free Mentors, GPT Prompts, and more

What’s up side hustlers, Jamasen here, CEO of LoopGenius and author of Beyond9to5. Every week we’ll cover one major tactic to grow your business, the latest news in AI, and awesome tools and resources.

In today’s edition

  • ☝️ One Tactic - Nailing your value proposition

  • 🤖 GPT Prompts to try

  • 🗞️ 5 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

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🔥 Tools for Side Hustlers 🛠️ 

🔍️ What we found for you this week 🔍️ 

Growth Mentor - You need to check this one out. It’s a directory of professionals in many industries where you can book free mentorship calls! There are many paid mentors but also many free ones too. Go check this out if you’re looking for a mentor for your business.

Polywork - We love polywork. It’s for side hustlers galore! This community is full of helpful people looking to collaborate on side projects, give advice, try new products, and more.

AnswerThePublic - Ever wonder what people are asking about related to your business? AnswerThePublic has the questions. Type in any term or phrase and you’ll get all the variations of how people search for your term. This is great for drumming up ideas for content to write about in your niche.

LoopGenius - Working on a side hustle or need to amplify your reach on social media? LoopGenius makes it incredibly easy to build a landing page for your next idea or find influencers to engage with to boost your brand.

Apple Vision Pro’s Genius Marketing Trick

Have you heard the latest news in tech? If not, allow us to fill you in– Apple just announced a new AR/VR headset that will basically replace Macs and iPhones as we know them. Not so fast– the headset might be groundbreaking, but it’s also expensive. $3499 expensive, that is.

You might be thinking who in the world is going to pay that much for a headset??, and rightfully so. But we’re going to let you in on a secret marketing tactic that just might convince the average Apple customer to level up to Vision Pro.

This marketing trick can help you sell anything– an app you’re building, freelance services you’re offering, events you’re hosting. This is your golden ticket to making people want your product. So grab a coffee, take a seat, and get ready to learn how to nail your value proposition.

Apple Vision Pro’s launch announcement included this exact value prop:

Apple Vision Pro seamlessly blends digital content with your physical space. You navigate simply by using your eyes, hands, and voice. So you can do the things you love in ways never before possible. You’ve never seen everything like this before.

What stands out to you? What makes you feel welcomed, curious or excited?

The first thing that captures our attention is that Vision Pro will be “seamless” and “simple”. Apple’s saying– sure, it’s new tech, but it’s easy. It’s not some robot from the future that everyone seems to think AR/VR will be. You have to admit, reading this is comforting.

Lesson #1: Identify your target audience’s concerns, fears and challenges, and bake those into your value prop. 

But are calmed nerves going to convince you to fork over $3499? Probably not. So let’s look at the next thing Apple gets right in their value prop. Count the number of times the words “you”, “you’ve” and “your” are used. 6 times.

Now try replacing the 2nd person with 3rd person, like “So everyone can do the things they love” or “blends digital content with the physical space”. Did it get colder in here, or is it just us? Apple leverages personal connection to make their product feel warm and inviting. They anchor their value prop in the things that bring us joy.

Lesson #2: Personalize your value prop so your target audience feels seen. They should read the statement and immediately see how they could benefit from the product.

Bringing it all home, Apple ties the familiar to the future. Did you get tripped up on that last line? So did we– it feels like it should say “anything”. The cliche is: “you’ve never seen anything like this before”. But Apple dipped into their wordplay toolkit to really nail their value prop.

By using “everything”, they ground us in the familiar– the things we already see and do every day– while pulling us into an exciting future of possibilities. You’re left feeling grounded, yet eager to learn what’s ahead– to put that headset on and see.

Lesson #3: Be creative in your value prop to show people what makes your product stand out. Whether it’s wordplay, compelling language or a punchy line, be bold and unique.

Remember– a solid value prop provides value. It understands who the target audience is, what they want, and how to reach them. Ready to craft the perfect value prop for your brand? Here are some more value props we love to get you started:

Your wiki, docs & projects. Together. Notion is the connected workspace where better, faster work happens.

Company: Notion

The people platform—Where interests become friendships. Whatever your interest, from hiking and reading to networking and skill sharing, there are thousands of people who share it on Meetup.

Company: Meetup

Our insurance helps you give your fur baby the best health care possible. With us, you don't need to have thousands on hand in case of an emergency. Never worry about how to afford vet care again. Just give your pets a great life.

Company: Fursure

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✍️ Craft a value prop for your business with these ChatGPT prompts ✍️

Create a 1-sentence value proposition statement for a {industry} company that helps {target audience} do {problem you’re solving}. 
I need you to act as a brand copywriter for a {industry} company. Write a 1-line value proposition statement that explains the problem we’re trying to solve: {problem}. It should be written in a compelling, uplifting tone.
I am going to give you an example of a value proposition. I need you to leverage the same formula to craft a value proposition statement for a {industry} company that {problem you’re solving}. Here is the example: “{example of a value prop you love}”. 

What’s News

🗞️ 5 traits and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs: To achieve success, aspiring entrepreneurs need more than just a good idea. This article uncovers five essential traits: adaptability, emotional intelligence, technological literacy, resilience, and creativity. By honing these skills, entrepreneurs can pave their way to success in the promising year ahead. Get ready to seize the entrepreneurial opportunities of 2023!

🤷‍♀️ Why you should care: In a world where entrepreneurship is booming, understanding the key traits for success in 2023 is crucial for aspiring entrepreneurs. By discovering and developing these essential skills, you can position yourselves to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape. Read More

🗞️ Google lays out its vision for securing AI: Google has unveiled a new framework aimed at bolstering the security of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The framework provides a set of basic security controls that organizations can apply to protect their AI models from cyber threats and manipulation. With the rapid integration of AI into workflows, Google wants to ensure that cybersecurity and data privacy are not neglected, emphasizing the importance of implementing fundamental security measures. The framework includes ideas such as extending existing security controls, adopting automation for quick response to anomalies, conducting regular security reviews and testing, and building a team well-versed in AI-related risks.

🤷‍♀️ Why you should care: Ensuring the security of AI systems is crucial as they become more prevalent in businesses. With the rise of AI, cybersecurity and data privacy should not be overlooked, and implementing measures to protect AI models and data is essential to guard against potential manipulation and theft by hackers. Read More

🗞️ 5 mistakes to avoid when starting a business: Discover the valuable lessons learned by a successful entrepreneur through their journey of trial and error. From launching a business without a plan to hiring too quickly, starting with no capital, taking unnecessary loans, and trying to cover all bases, these missteps are shared to help aspiring entrepreneurs avoid common pitfalls. By prioritizing business knowledge, securing seed money, hiring strategically, and focusing on a specialized area, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success.

🤷‍♀️ Why you should care: By learning from their missteps, you can gain insights that will help you navigate the challenges and pitfalls of starting your own business, ultimately increasing your chances of success. Read More

Meme of the Week

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That's it for this week's edition of Beyond9to5. Stay tuned for more tips, news, and spotlights in our next issue. Until then, keep hustling!

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