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  • 💰 Creative Ways to Attract Clients

💰 Creative Ways to Attract Clients

Good morning, side hustlers, and happy Monday!

In today’s edition, we have:

  • 🛠️ 5 tools to get your side hustle off the ground

  • ⭐ 1 featured tool

  • 📚 Creative strategies to attract new clients

  • 🚀 3 top tips to get your entrepreneurship juices flowing

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Let’s get into it! 🔥

🛠️ Tools for Side Hustlers 🛠️ 
🔍️ What we found for you this week 🔍️ 

  • 🌐 Webtastic - Discover your next customer in just 3 clicks

  •  Imagine - Meta’s new generative AI image generator

  • 🗺️ MyMap AI - Map out your most complex ideas and plans visually

  • 👀 TrendsCritical - Hyper-personalize with AI

  • 🔁 LoopGenius - Automate your marketing process to land the first 100 customers for your personal brand, side hustle, or business

🌐 Featured tool: Webtastic 🌐

Looking for an efficient way to optimize your lead generation funnel? Look no further. Webtastic AI scans purchase intent signals to help you find, contact and convert decision makers in the right companies at scale. The product uses an unparalleled stream of leads with game-changing targeting criteria - Webtastic not only brings together an unique set of dataflows, it also offers the smartest filters to help discover the highest-quality leads.

With Webtastic, you can activate your best-fit, high-intent leads in 3 steps:
1) Create an account and access Webtastic's unparalleled stream of leads
2) Apply our unique set of buying signals filters to refine your search and discover leads that are aligned with your agency's growth strategy
3) Connect - now that you have your leads, it's time to connect and close new deals!

Get started with Webtastic today!

📚 Marketing School 📚
Today’s Lesson: Creative Ways to Get Clients

This week’s marketing lesson is going to be pretty simple: 3 creative strategies to speed up your client funnel that you might not have tried yet.

  1. Facebook Groups
    As we discussed in Friday’s post, Facebook is a juggernaut when it comes to reaching your target audience, but its capabilities extend beyond its ad capabilities. By leveraging Facebook Groups, you can maximize your reach within a specific audience and make intimate connections with your potential clients. Join Facebook groups where your ideal client might be hangin’ out. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you might want to join groups geared at bloggers or small business owners, as these are people who would need your services. Then, rather than being spammy or self-promoting, be outrageously helpful when people ask questions in the group. It builds your credibility and makes people want to help you in return.

    Hootsuite offers amazing resources for free on their website

  2. Blog Content

    This strategy is key to converting traffic that organically arrives at your website. When visitors arrive at your page who are not yet convinced of your expertise, it is a huge boost to your credibility if they can skim through your posts. These blog posts can be thought pieces about your particular industry, case studies that explain previous work you have done, or they can simply be advertisements for your product or service. There are infinite types of content you can offer through a blog page on your website and they can all help in turning your potential customers into recurring revenue.

    X and Reddit are great markets for attracting clients

  3. Answering Twitter (and Reddit) Questions

    Many people take to Twitter looking for advice and recommendations from their peers. To gain credibility among clients of your product or service, you’ll be searching for those people and helping them out. You can try entering the following into the search bar:

    • #(keyword)help

    • Hiring a (keyword)

    • (keyword) recommendations

    It’s very simple, but can be an incredibly effective way to find people who need what you’re selling right now. If they’re asking a question? Answer it! If they’re looking for someone to hire? Be sincere, let them know you can help, and give them a link to your portfolio. Watch as the clients start flowing in.

For more tips like these, check out this article!

If you found this helpful, let us know here, and good luck attracting new clients!

💡Entrepreneur Zone💡

💰 Lesson learned from selling a 6-figure blogging business.
As of 2023, there are approximately 600 million blogs worldwide. However, only a small fraction of these blogs attract significant traffic, and even fewer are successful in generating income. Georgi Todorov, the entrepreneur who built and sold Thrive My Way for six figures, shares his insights on how to differentiate yourself from the herd. Read more here. 

💭 10 easy ways to drive sales during the holidays.
As the end of the year approaches, consumers are on the lookout for the perfect gifts, making it a crucial period for retailers to stand out. To help your business thrive during this bustling time, we've curated a list of ten easy and effective ways to drive sales in the holiday season. Read more here.

🤝 7 tips to make your website more credible.
Your web presence is often the very first impression your business will make with a potential client. A well-designed website will inspire confidence and trust – two factors that turn leads into clients. A mediocre or poor website will undermine your credibility and your business. Instead of creating trust and confidence, it will create doubt and unease. Read more here.

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Happy hustling,
The LoopGenius Team

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